November 10, 2009

BSP Rendering

Yeah. I think I'm doing something wrong. ... lol :-)

Update: well, the vertex data seems correct, at least. I'll need to check that I'm using the correct mesh definitions.

Update: the face data is also correct. So I'm probably doing something wrong when trying to use vertex arrays...

Update: figured out my problem. I was using the "firstVertex" value as if it were a byte offset into the vertices, when it was really saying "the n-th vertex". I.e. I had to multiply it with the size of a vertex to get the real offset in bytes. So now it's looking much better... except for the psychedelic colours. :-) That's not a mistake though. I'm just not using the textures yet.

PS. This tutorial is quite helpful if you're considering of trying this for yourself.


Unknown said...

What are you using for the rendering, JOGL, LWJGL, something else? Just curious as I've chosen JOGL myself and wondered if it's the 'right' thing to do ;-)

KrisDS said...

Right now it's only JOGL. I also have bindings for LWJGL and GL4Java though. Both are currently "broken" as I haven't updated them when I upgraded to Snow Leopard on my machine (basically, the native binaries are out of date). I'll fix LWJGL, but I think I'll throw out GL4Java. It doesn't work with nio.Buffer, which is a pain when playing with vertex arrays. You want to be able to address an array from a certain offset, and pass it around as just another array. I.e. in C: &array[offset] (note the address-of operator). Java arrays don't allow that, nio.Buffers do (slice operation). You also want to mix and match bytes, ints and floats in your array. Again, you need nio.Buffers.